• Prof. Emily Gunawan’s office hours at Olin 306: Monday 2:30-3:20, Tuesday 12:30-1:20, and by appointments - see weekly schedule.
  • Prof. Tom LoFaro’s office hours at Olin 314: TBD - see teaching schedule
  • Prof. Jacob Siehler’s office hours at Olin Hall: TBD - see teaching schedule
  • Evening tutors’ office hours at Olin 326 (computer lab) EVERY EVENING except Friday and Saturday:
    1. Sunday 7-9pm: Phil Gibbons AND Matt Lutze (Matt is available to answer your questions, but 287 students get priority)
    2. Monday 7-9pm: Monika Pham
    3. Tuesday 7-9pm: Viet Dang
    4. Wednesday 7-9pm: Sam Peterson (Sam is available to answer your questions, but 287 students get priority)
    5. Thursday 7-9pm: Viet Dang

Tutors for other subjects (Mathematics and Statistics) are also available in Olin 3rd floor and the Diversity Center. See the list of times and locations.