Actual (more lax) grading rubric


At the end of Spring 2017 semester, letter grades have been assigned as follows.

Letter Minimum requirements
A * (90% on every exam OR 90% average of all first attempts) AND average project score of 18 pts, and
* Success marks on 80% of homework and in-class practices
A- close to 90% average taken from the best attempt of each exam AND average project score of 17 pts
B+ * (80% on every exam OR 80% average of all first attempts) AND average project score of 16 pts, and
* Success marks on 80% of homework and in-class practices
B * (80% on every exam OR 80% average of all first attempts) AND average project score of 16 pts, and
* Success marks on 70% of homework and in-class practices
B- 80% average taken from the best attempt of each exam AND average project score of 16 pts
C+ * 70% average taken from the best attempt of each exam AND average project score of 14 pts, and
* Success marks on 80% of homework and in-class practices
C * 70% average taken from the best attempt of each exam AND average project score of 14 pts, and
* Success marks on 60% of homework and in-class practices
C- 65% average taken from the best attempt of each exam AND average project score of 12 pts