MCS-177 Project 5: Your IMDb (Spring 2017)

Start: Tuesday 3/21; Due: Monday 4/3, 10pm


In this project, you will gain familiarity with Python's flexible "dictionary" data structure. You will build a movie database like IMDb.

You are to do this project individually.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Task 6

Submitting your work

Submit your code using Moodle; click on the following link for instructions on submitting code using Moodle. For this project, you will need to submit one Python file called
which contains:

Be sure that your module can run on the computer lab machines.

If you submit your project early, you can get an early feedback on the accuracy of your work.

Grading Rubric

The grader will test your program against various input values. Check your work against the grading rubric project5gradesheet.pdf which the grader will use when grading your lab.