MCS-177 Project 1: Let's Get Started! (Spring 2017)

Start: Tuesday, 2/14; Due: Saturday, 2/18, 10pm


This project is designed to reinforce some of the concepts we have learned from Chapter 1 of our textbook. You should read Chapter 1 (especially the parts assigned in the pre-class reading assignments) before getting started.

You are to do this project individually.

Task 1

You found a summer job mowing the lawns in your neighborhood. You would like to know how long it will take for you to mow each one of them. You can find out the dimension of each lawn, and you know that your mowing speed is two square feet per second. Finally, you know that all the lawns in your neighborhood are rectangular.

Please note that all the variable names you use in your function should be descriptive.

  1. Open up a new file window (go to File, then go to New Window) and create a function called timeToMow. This function should have two parameters, one for the depth of a lawn (in feet) and one for the width of a lawn (in feet). Your functions should return the time (in hours) it will take to mow a lawn of the corresponding depth and width. Save your program in a file called


  2. Open the following template

    Copy and paste the commented out information at the top of the file (name, credit, description, etc.) and complete them. These should be included at the top of every submitted .py files from now on.

    Copy and paste the rest of the to the bottom of your You will answer a few questions underneath the corresponding labels.

  3. Now that you have created your function timeToMow (in item 1), you can run your program by using IDLE's "Run Module" command from the Run menu; or equivalently by pressing the F5 key. If IDLE reports any syntax errors in your program, try fixing them. When you get past that hurdle, use the Python shell to try your timeToMow function out.

    Specifically, use the timeToMow function to calculate how much time it would take to mow a lawn that is 140 feet in depth and 300 feet in width. Make sure that your function gives the correct answer; if not, fix it. Copy and paste the input (the command you typed in the Python shell calling the timeToMow function) and the output (showing how long it takes to mow a lawn that is 140 feet in depth and 300 feet in width) from the Python shell underneath the corresponding question (Task 1, question 3).

  4. Suppose that you are only given the depth of a lawn, but you know that all the lawns in the neighborhood have the depth-to-width ratio of 7 to 15. In the same file (, create another function called roundedTimeToMow. This function should have only one parameter, the depth of a lawn (in feet), and return the time it will take for you to mow a lawn of the corresponding depth rounded to the nearest hour. Your definition of roundedTimeToMow should call the timeToMow function you previously defined, so that if you were ever to adjust timeToMow to reflect a different mowing speed, roundedTimeToMow would automatically also start using the new speed.

    For this task, the time it will take to mow a lawn (in hours) can not be a floating point number. Instead, your function should return an answer that is rounded off to the nearest integer. Python has a function called round for doing the rounding. For example, round(2.4) evaluates to 2, whereas round(2.6) evaluates to 3. Insert an appropriate invocation of the round function so that the answer returned from your roundedTimeToMow function is guaranteed to be an integer.

  5. Run your program again. This time, use roundedTimeToMow to calculate the time it will take to mow a lawn that is 100 feet in depth. Make sure that your function gives the correct answer; if not, fix it. Copy and paste the input (the command you typed in the Python shell calling the roundedTimeToMow function) and the output (showing how long it takes to mow a lawn that is 100 feet in depth) from the Python shell underneath the corresponding question (Task 3, question 4) at the bottom of your file.

  6. In the same file, define a function printLawnTable which takes in no input parameter. This function should print out a table showing the time it takes to mow lawns of increasing depth (given that all the lawns in the neighborhood have the depth-to-width ratio of approximately 7 to 15). This first row of this table should be a header with labels depth for the first column and time for the second column. The first column of the table should show the depth of lawns ranging from 100 feet up to, but not including, 200 feet, stepping by 10 feet each row. The second column of the table should show the corresponding time it takes to mow a lawn of this depth.

    You must use roundedTimeToMow to calculate how long it will take to mow a lawn of particular depth. You must also use a for loop to print out the table. You may use the print function to display these information. Be sure to check your result.

    Copy and paste the input (the command you typed in the Python shell) and output (your table) underneath the corresponding question (Task 1, question 6) at the bottom of your file.

Task 2

Define a function drawHendecagon which draws a regular polygon with 11 sides when called. This function should only take exactly one parameter, the length of the sides. You must use the turtle module but not the cTurtle module. You must use a for loop in the function. Hint: unlike the examples in the textbook (pages 37-39), you should create your turtle object inside of your function.

If your code is a modification of a code from our textbook or another source, remember to cite the source.

Extra Credit

After you complete Tasks 1 and 2 of your project, you can attempt these questions for an additional 2 points.
  1. Define a function called drawConcentricShapes that draws three concentric heptagons of different sizes. This function should take no parameter. You must use the turtle module and not the cTurtle module. This function should create a turtle object which draws the three concentric heptagons. Your function must use a for loop. The sizes and exact placements of the heptagons do not matter, but they should be look concentric and large enough for an average person to see. They should be small enough to fit into the default-size window. The three heptagons should never touch.

    Hint: some new turtle methods that you may want to use include up, down, goto (see Table 1.3 page 25).

    Call your function drawConcentricShapes in the IDLE shell and test it.

  2. If you have time, make the following modification to your drawConcentricShapes function.


We will use this project1gradesheet.pdf when grading your lab.

Submitting Your Work

You will be submitting your code using Moodle; click on the following link for instructions on submitting code using Moodle. For this project, you will need to submit exactly one file (with the following name):